IMAER, the information model for AERIUS, is an application of Basic Model Geo-Information (NEN 3610) for the policy field of nitrogen deposition calculations. This makes it one of the existing applications of this standard. In IMAER, as in NEN 3610, the file exchange format (the technical format for exchange) refers to GML 3.2.1 Simple Features Profile 2 (GML-SF2).
This model describes the Information Model for AERius (IMAER). IMAER is the standard data exchange format of AERIUS and is used for importing, exporting and exchanging data with and between the various AERIUS products (including Calculator, Monitor and Register).
IMAER contains the objects required for calculating emissions and deposition of various substances. The model includes the descriptions of the objects, the relationships between the objects and the attributes.
ADMSRoad |
Definition: ADMS EmissionSource representing a road. | Description: This class describes a road emissionsource including geometry. This definition is meant for calculations with ADMS. | Subtype of: RoadEmissionSource | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | barrierLeft | Definition: | The barrier on the left side of the road (compared to the geometry). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | ADMSRoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | barrierRight | Definition: | The barrier on the right side of the road (compared to the geometry). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | ADMSRoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | coverage | Definition: | The coverage (percentage) of this road. This describes how much of the road is covered by overhanging features. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | diurnalVariation | Definition: | Diurnal variation profile of the road source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | DiurnalVariation (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | elevation | Definition: | The elevation of this road above ground level (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | gradient | Definition: | The gradient (percentage) of this road. This gradient is assumed to be from start of the geometry (A) to end of the geometry (B). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | width | Definition: | The width of this road (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
ADMSRoadSideBarrier |
Definition: Characteristics of a barrier on the side of a road for ADMS. | Description: A barrier on the side of the road is described by a few characteristics. This data type contains the characteristics expected by ADMS. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | averageHeight | Definition: | The average height of the barrier (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | barrierType | Definition: | The type of this barrier. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ADMSRoadSideBarrierType (enumeration) | Values: | NOISE_BARRIER | | BRICK_WALL | | STREET_CANYON_TERRACED_HOUSES | | STREET_CANYON_SEMIDETACHED_HOUSES | | STREET_CANYON_DETACHED_HOUSES | | TREE_BARRIER_OPEN | | TREE_BARRIER_DENSE | | OTHER | |
Attribute: Name: | distance | Definition: | The distance from the road centreline to canyon wall (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | maximumHeight | Definition: | The maximum height of the barrier (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | minimumHeight | Definition: | The minimum height of the barrier (m). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | porosity | Definition: | The porosity percentage that describes how much of the road length is covered by the barrier. 0 is fully covered, while 100 is not covered at all. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
ADMSSourceCharacteristics |
Definition: This data type describes the (ADMS) characteristics of an emission source. | Description: Each emission source is described on the basis of a number of characteristics, which are recorded in this separate data type. | Subtype of: SourceCharacteristicsType | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | buoyancyType | Definition: | ADMS buoyancy type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ADMSBuoyancyType (enumeration) | Values: | AMBIENT | Buoyancy based on ambient temperature. | DENSITY | Buoyancy based on density. | TEMPERATURE | Buoyancy based on specified temperature. |
Attribute: Name: | density | Definition: | Density (kg/m3): density of the whole release. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | diameter | Definition: | Diameter (m): internal diameter of a point/jet source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | diurnalVariation | Definition: | Diurnal variation of the emission of the source. Note: this might be renamed in a future version to hourlyVariation or hourlyVariationProfile. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | DiurnalVariation (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | effluxType | Definition: | ADMS efflux type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ADMSEffluxType (enumeration) | Values: | VELOCITY | Efflux based on velocity. | VOLUME | Efflux based on volume. | MASS | Efflux based on mass. |
Attribute: Name: | elevationAngle | Definition: | Elevation angle of a jet source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | height | Definition: | Height (m): height of source above the ground. For a volume source, it is the mid-height of the volume above the ground. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | horizontalAngle | Definition: | Horizontal angle of a jet source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | monthlyVariation | Definition: | Monthly time-varying profile of the emission of the source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | DiurnalVariation (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | sourceType | Definition: | ADMS source type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ADMSSourceType (enumeration) | Values: | POINT | Normal point source. | AREA | Normal (surface) area source. | VOLUME | Area represents a volume source. | LINE | Normal line source. | ROAD | Line represents a road source. | JET | Point represents a jet source. |
Attribute: Name: | specificHeatCapacity | Definition: | Cp (J/degree C/kg): specific heat capacity of the source material. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | temperature | Definition: | Temperature (degree C): temperature of the release. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | verticalDimension | Definition: | L1 (m): vertical dimension of a volume source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | verticalVelocity | Definition: | Volume flux (m3/s): volume flow rate of the release | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | volumetricFlowRate | Definition: | Mass flux (kg/s): mass flux of the emission. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | width | Definition: | L1 (m): width of a line source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
AeriusCalculatorMetadata |
Definition: Metadata about the AERIUS calculator that produced the GML and the captured project. | Description: This metadata is used to record which versions of software and underlying basic data were used to generate the GML file. Project information about the emission sources can also be recorded. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | archive | Definition: | Metadata with Archive information, indicating the results in this file were retrieved from AERIUS Archive. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | ArchiveMetadata (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | calculation | Definition: | Metadata about the calculation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CalculationMetadata (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | gmlCreator | Definition: | Metadata about which program the GML produced. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | project | Definition: | Metadata about the described project. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ProjectMetadata (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | situation | Definition: | Metadata about the described situation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | SituationMetadata (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | version | Definition: | Metadata about the versions used. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | VersionMetadata (data type) |
Building |
Definition: This feature type describes a building. | Description: This class describes a building, for inclusion in emission calculations. | Subtype of: GeoObject | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | diameter | Definition: | The radius of a building. Only expected with a point geometry, where this creates a circular building. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | geometry | Definition: | The geometry of the building. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | BuildingGeometry (union data type) |
Attribute: Name: | height | Definition: | (Average) building height in meters. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | identifier | Title: | identificatie | Definition: | Unique identification of the object within the domain of NEN 3610. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | NEN3610ID (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the building. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
CalculatedHeatContent |
Definition: This data type describes the heat content to be included in the calculation. | Description: The heat content can be determined by the model based on the specified values. | Subtype of: HeatContent | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | emissionTemperature | Definition: | Emission temperature in degrees Celsius. This must be higher than the average ambient temperature (around 12 degrees). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | outflowDiameter | Definition: | The diameter of the outflow, in meters. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | outflowDirection | Definition: | The outflow direction. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | OutflowDirectionType (enumeration) | Values: | VERTICAL | Outflow direction is forced vertically. | HORIZONTAL | Outflow direction is forced horizontally. |
Attribute: Name: | outflowVelocity | Definition: | The outflow velocity, in meters/second. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | outflowVelocityType | Definition: | Way in which the outflow velocity is determined. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | OutflowVelocityType (enumeration) | Values: | ACTUAL_FLOW | The exit velocity is measured (Actual). This measuring must have been done when the device was put into production. | NORMALISED_FLOW | The exit speed is specified by the manufacturer (Factory specification). This value can be used for new installations or when no measurements are made. |
CalculationMetadata |
Definition: Metadata for the calculation / calculation results. | Description: Using this metadata object, information about the calculation can be recorded. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | jobType | Definition: | Calculation job type used. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | maximumRange | Definition: | Maximum radius in km within which the calculation was made. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | method | Definition: | Calculation method used. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | monitorSrm2Year | Definition: | Indication of whether the NSL monitor network was used for the SRM2 roads, and if so, from which year | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | option | Definition: | Options used for the calculation results. Uses a generic key-value structure, where the key indicates which option it concerns, and the value is that for the option in question. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | CalculationOption (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | otherSituation | Definition: | Other situations that were taken into account during the calculation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | OtherSituationMetadata (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | researchArea | Definition: | Indication of whether the calculation concerns a research area. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Boolean |
Attribute: Name: | resultType | Definition: | Calculation result types. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | ResultType (enumeration) | Values: | DEPOSITION | Deposition (mol/ha/y) | CONCENTRATION | Concentration (µg/m³) | EXCEEDANCE_DAYS | Exceedance days. | EXCEEDANCE_HOURS | Exceedance hours. |
Attribute: Name: | substance | Definition: | Calculation substance. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Substance (enumeration) | Values: | NH3 | NH3 (ammonia). | NOX | NOx (nitrogen oxides). | NO2 | NO2 (nitrogen dioxide). | PM10 | PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 microns). | PM25 | PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns). | EC | EC (elemental carbon). |
Attribute: Name: | type | Definition: | Calculation type used. Deprecated, use 'method' from version 5.1.1. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CalculationType (enumeration) | Values: | PERMIT | Calculation of receptors according to the Nature Conservation Act. | NATURE_AREA | Calculation uses hexagons containing natural areas within specified radius. | RADIUS | Calculation uses hexagons within specified radius. | CUSTOM_POINTS | Calculation uses user-defined points (CalculationPoint). |
CalculationPointCorrection |
Definition: Correction to results of a calculation point (NSL). | Description: It may happen that corrections need to be made to the results that come from the model. For example, because they structurally deviate from observed values. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | An optional description for the correction. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | jurisdictionId | Definition: | An optional jurisdiction ID (for updating). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the correction. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | resultType | Definition: | Type of result to which this correction applies. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ResultType (enumeration) | Values: | DEPOSITION | Deposition (mol/ha/y) | CONCENTRATION | Concentration (µg/m³) | EXCEEDANCE_DAYS | Exceedance days. | EXCEEDANCE_HOURS | Exceedance hours. |
Attribute: Name: | substance | Definition: | Substance to which this correction applies. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Substance (enumeration) | Values: | NH3 | NH3 (ammonia). | NOX | NOx (nitrogen oxides). | NO2 | NO2 (nitrogen dioxide). | PM10 | PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 microns). | PM25 | PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns). | EC | EC (elemental carbon). |
Attribute: Name: | value | Definition: | Value of the correction. Positive is an increase compared to the result from the model, negative is a decrease compared to the result from the model. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
CalculationPointType |
Attribute: Name: | assessmentCategory | Definition: | An optional category for assessment. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | correction | Definition: | Corrections to a calculation point (NSL). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | CalculationPointCorrection (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | (Detailed) description of the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | GM_Point | Definition: | Geometry of the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | GM_Point |
Attribute: Name: | height | Definition: | An optional height for the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | identifier | Title: | identificatie | Definition: | Unique identification of the object within the domain of NEN 3610. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | NEN3610ID (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | jurisdictionId | Definition: | An optional jurisdiction ID (for updating). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | representation | Definition: | Geometric representation of the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | GM_Surface |
Attribute: Name: | result | Definition: | Depositions of the calculation point. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | CalculationResult (data type) |
CalculationResult |
Definition: Result for a calculation point. | Description: This class describes the result for a specific substance/result type combination for a calculation point. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | resultType | Definition: | Result type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | ResultType (enumeration) | Values: | DEPOSITION | Deposition (mol/ha/y) | CONCENTRATION | Concentration (µg/m³) | EXCEEDANCE_DAYS | Exceedance days. | EXCEEDANCE_HOURS | Exceedance hours. |
Attribute: Name: | sourceCategory | Definition: | Category of sources that provide this result. If not specified, these are totals. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | substance | Definition: | Substance type of result. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Substance (enumeration) | Values: | NH3 | NH3 (ammonia). | NOX | NOx (nitrogen oxides). | NO2 | NO2 (nitrogen dioxide). | PM10 | PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 microns). | PM25 | PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 microns). | EC | EC (elemental carbon). |
Attribute: Name: | value | Definition: | Result value. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
ConsumptionOffRoadVehicleSpecification |
Definition: Class for a specification for the emissions of a self-defined off road vehicle source based on consumption. | Description: To determine the emissions of mobile equipment, the use of that vehicle can be taken into account. The characteristics in this type are used for this. | Subtype of: OffRoadVehicleSpecification | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | consumption | Definition: | Fuel consumption, in liters per year. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | emissionFactor | Definition: | The emission factors of the vehicle, in g/kWh per substance. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | energyEfficiency | Definition: | Efficiency: in grams of fuel per delivered kilowatt hour, in g/kWh. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
CustomDiurnalVariation |
Definition: Custom temporal variation. Consists of X values, where all values must add up to X * 100. As an example, a definition for hours per day: In this case there are 24 values, all of which must add up to 2400. For an equal distribution over the day, each value is 100. Note: this will be renamed in a future version to CustomTimeVaryingProfile. | Type: Object type |
Attribute: Name: | customType | Definition: | The type of this custom definition. Implicitly indicates how many values are expected: for example, for a day definition, 24 values are expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for this custom definition. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | value | Definition: | The values of this custom definition. Depending on the customType, a number of values are expected. If distributed equally over all values, this field has the value 100. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Real |
CustomInlandShippingEmissionProperties |
Definition: This data type describes the self-defined shipping type for inland shipping. | Description: Properties described in this object are for standard sources directly. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | emissionFactorEmpty | Definition: | Average emission factor of ship type when not loaded. Unit depends on the emission type within which this data type is used (difference between moored and sailing). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | emissionFactorLaden | Definition: | Average emission factor of ship type when loaded. Unit depends on the emission type within which this data type is used (difference between moored and sailing). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | emissionHeightEmpty | Definition: | Average discharge height of ship type when not loaded in meters. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | emissionHeightLaden | Definition: | Average discharge height of ship type when loaded in meters. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | heatContentEmpty | Definition: | Average heat content of ship type when not loaded in Megawatts. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | heatContentLaden | Definition: | Average heat content of ship type when loaded in Megawatts. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
EmissionSourceCharacteristics |
Definition: This data type describes the (OPS) characteristics of an emission source. | Description: Each emission source is described on the basis of a number of characteristics, which are recorded in this separate data type. | Subtype of: SourceCharacteristicsType | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | diurnalVariation | Definition: | Temporal variation of the emission from the source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | DiurnalVariation (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | emissionHeight | Definition: | Average emission height of the emission source in meters. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | heatContent | Definition: | Heat content of the emission source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | HeatContent (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | spread | Definition: | Distribution of the emission source in meters. Can only be used with point sources with a height. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
EmissionSourceType |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | An optional description for the emission source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | emissionSourceCharacteristics | Definition: | Characteristics of an emission source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | SourceCharacteristicsType (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | geometry | Definition: | Geometry of the emission source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | EmissionSourceGeometry (union data type) |
Attribute: Name: | identifier | Title: | identificatie | Definition: | Unique identification of the emission source within the domain of NEN 3610. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | NEN3610ID (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | jurisdictionId | Definition: | An optional jurisdiction ID (for updating). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the emission source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | sectorId | Definition: | Identification number of the sector to which the emission source belongs. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
InlandShipping |
Definition: Abstract base class for characteristics of an inland shipping route. | Description: Each inland shipping emission type for routes is described on the basis of a number of characteristics. This abstract base class is a generalization of the different types in the model. | Subtype of: EmissionValueType | Supertype of: CustomInlandShipping StandardInlandShipping | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | Description of this type of shipping. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | numberOfShipsAtoBperTimeUnit | Definition: | Number of ships from A to B per time unit. Sailing routes are drawn from A to B. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | numberOfShipsBtoAperTimeUnit | Definition: | Number of ships from B to A per time unit. Sailing routes are drawn from A to B. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | percentageLadenAtoB | Definition: | The percentage of numberOfShipsAtoBperTimeUnit that is loaded. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | percentageLadenBtoA | Definition: | The percentage of numberOfShipsBtoAperTimeUnit that is loaded. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | timeUnitShipsAtoB | Definition: | Time unit for the number of ships from A to B. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | TimeUnit (enumeration) | Values: | |
Attribute: Name: | timeUnitShipsBtoA | Definition: | Time unit for the number of ships from B to A. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | TimeUnit (enumeration) | Values: | |
InlandShippingEmissionSource |
Definition: Emission source (sailing route) for inland shipping. | Description: This class describes a sailing route for inland shipping, including geometry. The class is a specialization of EmissionSourceType. | Subtype of: EmissionSourceType | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | emission | Definition: | Emission types from this source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | inlandShipping | Definition: | Specification of ships for this emission source type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | InlandShipping (data type) |
Association role: Name: | mooringA | Definition: | Indicates whether the sailing route at the start of the line belongs to a mooring place (mooring route). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | MooringInlandShippingEmissionSource (feature type) |
Association role: Name: | mooringB | Definition: | Indicates whether the sailing route at the end of the line belongs to a mooring place (mooring route). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | MooringInlandShippingEmissionSource (feature type) |
Attribute: Name: | waterway | Definition: | Specification of the type of waterway used. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | InlandWaterway (data type) |
MaritimeShippingEmissionSource |
Definition: Emission source from shipping. | Description: This class describes a sailing route for maritime shipping, including geometry. | Subtype of: EmissionSourceType | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | emission | Definition: | Emission types from this source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | maritimeShipping | Definition: | Specification of ships for this emission type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | MaritimeShipping (data type) |
Association role: Name: | mooringA | Definition: | Indicates whether the sailing route at the start of the line belongs to a mooring place (mooring route). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | MooringMaritimeShippingEmissionSource (feature type) |
Association role: Name: | mooringB | Definition: | Indicates whether the sailing route at the end of the line belongs to a mooring place (mooring route). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | MooringMaritimeShippingEmissionSource (feature type) |
Attribute: Name: | movementType | Definition: | Type of shipping movement. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | MaritimeShippingMovementType (enumeration) | Values: | INLAND | Shipping inland. | MARITIME | Shipping by sea. |
MooringInlandShipping |
Definition: Abstract base class for characteristics of an inland shipping mooring. | Description: Each mooring emission type for inland shipping is described on the basis of a number of characteristics. This abstract base class is a generalization of the different types in the model. | Subtype of: EmissionValueType | Supertype of: CustomMooringInlandShipping StandardMooringInlandShipping | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | averageResidenceTime | Definition: | The average stay time of the ships at the mooring. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | Description of this type of ship. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | percentageLaden | Definition: | The percentage of ships that are loaded. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | shipsPerTimeUnit | Definition: | Number of ships moored per unit time. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | shorePowerFactor | Definition: | Factor for shore power (decimal fraction 0-1). This factor is deducted when determining the emissions from moored ships. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | timeUnit | Definition: | Time unit for the number of ships. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | TimeUnit (enumeration) | Values: | |
MooringMaritimeShipping |
Attribute: Name: | averageResidenceTime | Definition: | The average stay time of the ships at the quay. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | Description of this type of ship. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | shipsPerTimeUnit | Definition: | Number of ships moored per unit time. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | shorePowerFactor | Definition: | Factor for shore power (decimal fraction 0-1). This factor is deducted when determining the emissions from moored ships. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | timeUnit | Definition: | Time unit for the number of ships. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | TimeUnit (enumeration) | Values: | |
NEN3610ID |
Definition: Identifiers for the universal unique identification of an object | Description: The combination of a registration's namespace, local identification and version information makes an object uniquely identifiable. The information of this class can therefore be used to refer to the identified object with certainty. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | localId | Definition: | Unique identification code within a registration | Description: | 'LocalId' is the identification code that an object has within a (local) registration. The following characters may appear in a localId: {"A"..."Z", "a"..."z", "0"..."9", "_", "-", ", ", "."}. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | namespace | Definition: | Unique reference to a registration of objects | Description: | The 'namespace' attribute is a unique reference to the registration that issues the identification. This list of registrations is managed within the context of NEN 3610. Within the Netherlands, this namespace will almost always include 'NL.' to start. The following characters may appear in a namespace indication: {"A"..."Z", "a"..."z", "0"..."9", "_", "-", " ,"," "."} | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | versionId | Definition: | Version indication of an object | Description: | The 'versionId' attribute is not part of the identification of the object but can be used to identify different versions of the same object. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
OperatingHoursOffRoadVehicleSpecification |
Definition: Class for a specification for the emissions of a self-defined mobile equipment source based on the operational hours. | Description: To determine the emissions of mobile equipment, the operational hours of that vehicle can be taken into account. The characteristics in this type are used for this. | Subtype of: OffRoadVehicleSpecification | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | emissionFactor | Definition: | The emission factors of the vehicle, in g/kWh per substance. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | load | Definition: | The portion of the full power of this mobile equipment that is actually used, in percentages. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | operatingHours | Definition: | The number of hours that this mobile equipment is used on average, in hours. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | power | Definition: | The average full power of this mobile equipment, in kW. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
OtherSituationMetadata |
Definition: Metadata about other situations included in the calculation. | Description: Using this metadata object, information about other situations that have been calculated simultaneously in the same calculation can be recorded. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | name | Definition: | Name of the other situation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | reference | Definition: | Reference of the other situation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | situationType | Definition: | Type of the other situation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | SituationType (enumeration) | Values: | REFERENCE | Reference or starting situation. | PROPOSED | Intended situation. | TEMPORARY | Temporary situation, intended for situation(s) that lead from the reference situation to the intended situation, for example the construction phase. | NETTING | Netting situation, intended as a supplementary situation for external netting. In this situation type it is possible to specify a fraction/percentage, whereby this part of the deposition may NOT be emitted in the netting situation (for the benefit of nature). Deprecated, from version 5.1.2 use 'OFF_SITE_REDUCTION'. | OFF_SITE_REDUCTION | Netting situation, intended as a supplementary situation for external netting. In this situation type it is possible to specify a fraction/percentage, whereby this part of the deposition may NOT be emitted in the netting situation (for the benefit of nature). | COMBINATION_REFERENCE | Cumulative reference situation. Intended for calculations that also include nearby projects. | COMBINATION_PROPOSED | Cumulative intended situation. Intended for calculations that also include nearby projects. |
ProjectMetadata |
Definition: Metadata about the captured project. | Description: Using this metadata object, project information about the emission sources can be recorded. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | corporation | Definition: | Name of the legal entity associated with the described project. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | Description of or explanation for the described project. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | facilityLocation | Definition: | The facility location for the project. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Address (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | name | Definition: | Name of the project described. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | permitCalculationRadiusType | Definition: | Distance Limit value type for the Nature Conservation Act | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | temporaryPeriod | Definition: | Duration of the project in years (only in case of temporary projects). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | year | Definition: | The AERIUS calculation core uses GDN basic data that is adjusted annually. This attribute indicates which year the basic data was used in the calculations. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | Integer |
RoadEmissionSource |
Attribute: Name: | emission | Definition: | Emission types from this source. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | Emission (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | roadAreaType | Definition: | The emission area to which this road belongs. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | roadManager | Definition: | The manager of the road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadManager (enumeration) | Values: | MUNICIPALITY | Municipality. | PROVINCE | Province. | STATE | State | WATER_AUTHORITY | Water authority. | PRIVATE | Private party. |
Attribute: Name: | roadType | Definition: | The type of road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | trafficDirection | Definition: | Direction of traffic on this road. This direction of travel is relative to the drawn direction of the road, or the geometry. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | TrafficDirection (enumeration) | Values: | BOTH | Traffic can move in both directions. | A_TO_B | Traffic travels from A (beginning of the line) to B (end of the line). | B_TO_A | Traffic travels from B (end of the line) to A (beginning of the line). |
Attribute: Name: | vehicles | Definition: | Road transport specification for this emission type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | Vehicle (data type) |
SituationMetadata |
Definition: Metadata about the recorded situation. | Description: Using this metadata object, information about the situation can be recorded. | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | name | Definition: | Name of the list of sources of the described situation. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | nettingFactor | Definition: | Skimming factor for netting (decimal fraction 0-1). The fraction of the deposition in the netting situation that may NOT be spent (for the benefit of nature). Only has an effect on situationType NETTING, and will then have an effect on the calculation results when granting a permit. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | reference | Definition: | Reference of the situation described. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | situationType | Definition: | Type of the situation described. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | SituationType (enumeration) | Values: | REFERENCE | Reference or starting situation. | PROPOSED | Intended situation. | TEMPORARY | Temporary situation, intended for situation(s) that lead from the reference situation to the intended situation, for example the construction phase. | NETTING | Netting situation, intended as a supplementary situation for external netting. In this situation type it is possible to specify a fraction/percentage, whereby this part of the deposition may NOT be emitted in the netting situation (for the benefit of nature). Deprecated, from version 5.1.2 use 'OFF_SITE_REDUCTION'. | OFF_SITE_REDUCTION | Netting situation, intended as a supplementary situation for external netting. In this situation type it is possible to specify a fraction/percentage, whereby this part of the deposition may NOT be emitted in the netting situation (for the benefit of nature). | COMBINATION_REFERENCE | Cumulative reference situation. Intended for calculations that also include nearby projects. | COMBINATION_PROPOSED | Cumulative intended situation. Intended for calculations that also include nearby projects. |
SRM1Road |
Definition: Emission source of an SRM1 road. | Description: This class describes a road emission source including geometry. This road is intended to be calculated according to SRM1. SRM1 includes roads that do not fall under SRM2, inner-city roads and non-provincial rural roads. | Subtype of: RoadEmissionSource | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | partialChange | Definition: | Specification changes on a section of the road. If specified, the default value on that section of the road will be overwritten by what is specified here. This can happen several times. This is a piece of Dynamic Segmentation or Linear Referencing. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | SRM1LinearReference (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | tunnelFactor | Definition: | For a road section that directly connects to the exit of a tunnel, which is at least 100 meters long and in which there is two directions of travel, the emissions up to a distance of 20 meters from the exit of a tunnel tube are offset by a factor. For a road section that directly connects to the exit of a tunnel, which is at least 100 meters long and in which there is one direction of travel, the emissions up to a distance of 50 meters from the exit of a tunnel are offset by a factor. This is that factor. If there is no tunnel, 1.0 can be used or this value can be omitted. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
SRM1RoadDispersionLine |
Definition: Dispersion line between an SRM1 road and a calculation point. | Description: This class describes the dispersion line between the road and a calculation point. This line is intended for calculations according to SRM1. | Subtype of: GeoObject | Type: Feature type |
Association role: |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | An optional description for the dispersion line. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | geometry | Definition: | An optional geometry between the SRM1Road and the calculationPoint. This is actually derived data, but can be used for visualization. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | GM_Curve |
Attribute: Name: | identifier | Definition: | Unique identification of the object within the domain of NEN 3610. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | NEN3610ID (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | jurisdictionId | Definition: | An optional jurisdiction ID (for updating). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the dispersion line. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Association role: Name: | road | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | SRM1Road (feature type) |
Attribute: Name: | roadProfile | Definition: | Road profile of the dispersion line. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | RoadProfile (enumeration) | Values: | WIDE_STREET_CANYON | More or less contiguous buildings on both sides of the road at a distance of no more than 60 meters from the road axis, whereby the distance between the road axis and facade is less than three times the height of the buildings, but greater than 1.5 x the height of the buildings (wide street canyon). | NARROW_STREET_CANYON | More or less contiguous buildings on both sides of the road at a distance of no more than 60 meters from the road, whereby the distance between the road axis and facade is less than 1.5 x the height of the buildings. | ONE_SIDE_BUILDINGS | More or less contiguous buildings on one side at a distance of no more than 60 meters from the road axis, whereby the distance between the road axis and facade is less than 3 x the height of the buildings. | OTHER | Other. |
Attribute: Name: | treeProfile | Definition: | Tree profile of the dispersion line. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | TreeProfile (enumeration) | Values: | NONE_OR_FEW | Trees sparse or not present. | SEPARATED | One or more rows of trees with separation of < 15 meters with gaps between the crowns. | PACKED | The crowns touch each other and span at least a third of the street width. |
SRM1RoadMeasureArea |
Definition: Class for the specification of measures that apply to SRM1 roads within an area (NSL). | Description: It may be that a measure reduces emissions for a specific area for SRM1 roads. In this class it can be recorded what this reduction is for an area. | Subtype of: GeoObject | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | description | Definition: | An optional (detailed) description for the measure area. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | geometry | Definition: | The geometry of the area. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | GM_Surface |
Attribute: Name: | identifier | Definition: | Unique identification of the object within the domain of NEN 3610. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | NEN3610ID (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | jurisdictionId | Definition: | An optional jurisdiction ID (for updating). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | label | Definition: | An optional label for the measure area. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | measure | Definition: | The measures that apply within the area. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1..* | Value type: | SRM1RoadMeasure (data type) |
SRM2LinearReference |
Definition: Partial change in SRM2 attributes. | Description: This class can be used to give one or more attributes a different value for a section of the road. Can be used for SRM2Road. | Subtype of: SimpleLinearReference | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | barrierLeft | Definition: | See SRM2Road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | barrierRight | Definition: | See SRM2Road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | elevation | Definition: | See SRM2Road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadElevation (enumeration) | Values: | NORMAL | Dyke or embankment with very flat sides (angle less than 20 degrees). | NORMAL_DYKE | Dyke or embankment with flat sides (angle greater than or equal to 20 degrees but less than 45 degrees). | STEEP_DYKE | Dyke or embankment with sharp sides (angle greater than or equal to 45 degrees). | VIADUCT | Road is on a viaduct. | TUNNEL | Road is in a tunnel. |
Attribute: Name: | elevationHeight | Definition: | See SRM2Road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | tunnelFactor | Definition: | See SRM2Road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
SRM2Road |
Definition: Emission source of an SRM2 road. | Description: This class describes a road emission source including geometry. This road is intended to be calculated according to SRM2. SRM2 includes roads that do not fall under SRM1, suburban roads and highways. | Subtype of: RoadEmissionSource | Type: Feature type |
Attribute: Name: | barrierLeft | Definition: | The barrier on the left side of the road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | barrierRight | Definition: | The barrier on the right side of the road. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadSideBarrier (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | elevation | Definition: | Road elevation type. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | RoadElevation (enumeration) | Values: | NORMAL | Dyke or embankment with very flat sides (angle less than 20 degrees). | NORMAL_DYKE | Dyke or embankment with flat sides (angle greater than or equal to 20 degrees but less than 45 degrees). | STEEP_DYKE | Dyke or embankment with sharp sides (angle greater than or equal to 45 degrees). | VIADUCT | Road is on a viaduct. | TUNNEL | Road is in a tunnel. |
Attribute: Name: | elevationHeight | Definition: | Road elevation (in meters). | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | partialChange | Definition: | Specification for changes on a section of the road. If specified, the default value on that section of the road will be overwritten by what is specified here. This can happen several times. This is a piece of Dynamic Segmentation or Linear Referencing. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..* | Value type: | SRM2LinearReference (data type) |
Attribute: Name: | tunnelFactor | Definition: | For a road section that directly connects to the exit of a tunnel, which is at least 100 meters long and in which there is one direction of travel, the emissions up to a distance of 100 meters from the exit of a tunnel tube are offset by a factor. This is that factor. If there is no tunnel, 1.0 can be used or this value can be omitted. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
StandardFarmlandActivity |
Definition: Characteristics of a standard emission type for farmland activity. | Description: Each use or activity emission type for farmland is described on the basis of a number of characteristics. These are recorded in this data type. | Subtype of: AbstractFarmlandActivity | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | metersCubed | Definition: | Cubic meter volume for which this activity is defined. Depending on the standard activity type, this may or may not be important/expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
Attribute: Name: | numberOfAnimals | Definition: | Number of animals for which this activity is defined. Depending on the standard activity type, this may or may not be important/expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | numberOfApplications | Definition: | Number of applications for which this activity is defined. Depending on the standard activity type, this may or may not be important/expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | numberOfDays | Definition: | Number of days for which this activity is defined. Depending on the standard activity type, this may or may not be important/expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | standardActivityType | Definition: | The specific type of use or activity of the agricultural land. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | tonnes | Definition: | Weight in tonnes for which this activity is defined. Depending on the standard activity type, this may or may not be important/expected. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Real |
StandardOffRoadMobileSource |
Definition: Characteristics of an emission type for mobile equipment. | Description: Mobile tools are described on the basis of a number of characteristics. These are recorded in this data type. | Subtype of: OffRoadMobileSource | Type: Data type |
Attribute: Name: | literAdBluePerYear | Definition: | Liters of AdBlue (summed) that this type of vehicle uses per year. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | literFuelPerYear | Definition: | Liters of fuel (summed) that this type of vehicle consumes per year. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |
Attribute: Name: | offRoadMobileSourceType | Definition: | The class of this mobile machinery. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 1 | Value type: | CharacterString |
Attribute: Name: | operatingHoursPerYear | Definition: | Time in hours per year that the vehicle is running. | Voidable: | false | Multiplicity: | 0..1 | Value type: | Integer |